The Association is extremely pleased to invite applications for our 2019 Craftinsure and E Howard-Davies Youth Training Week being held at  Plas Menai, Caernarfon, Gwynedd from Sunday 28 July to Friday 2 August 2018.
Not only do GP14 youth sailors benefit from top quality coaching, its also a chance to meet, socialise and forge friendships with other sailors.

The Craftinsure and E Howard-Davies GP14 Youth Training Week is an advanced race training course run over five days for helms and crews able to demonstrate racing competency and a desire to compete at
GP14 championships. Sailors must also be under 22 on 31 Dec 2019, or still in full time education.

Please see the Application Form for more information. Completed forms must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from your Club Commodore, Training Principal or other recognised person who can confirm your ability and commitment to the GP14. 

If you are interested and meet the requirements, please complete the Application Form and send it with your letter of recommendation to Julie Courtney in the GP14 office.


2019 GP14 Youth Training Week Application Form v2

Craftinsure - Dinghy Insurance