Midland Bell Results and News

Midland Bell 2018

GP14 Midland Bell 2018 – Overall Results  after 10 events

The Midland Bell series is coming to the finale … now only South Staffs  Sat/Sun  13/14th Oct  to go!

Competition at the top of the board is intense, with the leaders Ian Willis/Keith Dutton only ONE ahead of Mark McKeever/Kevin Hopkins, and only ONE point between Pete Jacques/Michelle Evans in 3rd and PeteThoms/Dawn Frost in 4th!

All on the last event then 🙂



The Midland Area Championship was held at Chase SC on 21/22 April –  a great turnout and top sailors competing!

GP14 Midlands Area Championship 2018

RESULTS – GP14 Midlands Championship – Chase SC

Midland Area Champions Ian Dobson and Andy Tunnicliffe – picture by Michelle Evans


More pictures from Midland Area Championship