The Association is extremely pleased that once again we are organising a youth coaching week. In the past this has always proved to be a popular week, with top GP14 youth sailors benefitting from top quality coaching. It is also a chance to meet and socialise with other sailors, with many friendships being forged.
In 2017 the week is being held at Portland, and run on the Association’s behalf by the Andrew Simpson Sailing Centre. In addition to the Centre’s Senior Instructor, we are inviting top guest coaches with specific GP14 skills. Accommodation will be provided in the RYA’s Portland House, where there will be house parent system for under 18s.
To be eligible sailors must be able to demonstrate racing competency plus a desire to compete at GP14 championships. They must also be under 22 on 31 Dec 2017.
The coaching is heavily subsided by our E Howard-Davies Memorial Fund, but sailors will be expected to pay £285 towards accommodation and meals.
We can take up to 8 boats and therefore offer 16 places. Applications are invited from individual helms and crews – there is no need to apply as a pair. Places will be offered to the most eligible sailors from those applications we receive.
Application Forms must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from your Club Commodore, Training Principal or other recognised person who can confirm your ability and commitment to the GP14. Both these should be received by 20 December 2016 to be sure of consideration in the initial selection process.
If you are interested and meet the requirements, please complete the Application Form and send it with your letter of recommendation to Julie Courtney in the GP14 Office.