3Z7P5206At the end of a most enjoyable and successful 2016 GP14 World Championship in Barbados can I take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped make it happen including our competitors, supporters and organisers as they wend their way back home all over the World – ‘Safe Journeys’. It takes a tremendous effort to make a successful event of this scale and I must make special mention on your behalf of the local Bajan volunteers. They did a tremendous job in the background in addition to helping us on the beach launching and recovering boats in the tricky surf. Also I must include many others who helped with the pre-planning but were unable to attend to enjoy the occasion. We are all extremely grateful to our SPONSORS, of course. And, finally, I must mention all involved with our Championship Committee, especially Gill the leader and Michelle the reporter – fantastic job, well done.

Shane & AndyI believe at an event like this there were record-breaking 105 winning crews including the youngest competitor Ralph, only 11 years old – brave young man got special praise for his positive attitude from the beach crews! We all had our own challenges (see photo below) – and challenged we were with 29 knots recorded, fickle wind shifts that would challenge inland waters, unpredictable difficult big waves, strong currents at marks, not to mention the unyielding competition – it all made this a true test of skill for all regardless of fleet or position on the result sheet. However it is with great pleasure that I offer Congratulations to the new International GP14 World ChampionsShane MacCarthy and Andy Davies, the worthy winners with very consistent results. Adding this success to 2015 UK and Irish National wins. Well done guys!!!

3Z7P3958Our boats have been moved to the port in Bridgetown and will soon be shipped back for us to start the 2016 season in the cold waters of UK and Ireland; hopes I will see you all again at the many Championships planned. And all the International Competitors back to your own boats and competitions your support keeps our class a truly International. One of the legacies of this event has been to resurrect the GP14 as a viable class in Barbados good luck. BEST WISHES wherever and what-ever your sailing ambitions are from now – please all keep in touch especially with your future regatta reports.

(pictured right)

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