About a boat…

GP14 14262  ‘Marland’


Marland was built in early 2019 by Phil Hodgkins at Gingerboats, with the GP14 worlds in mind (Skerries 2020, now 2022). The boat was designed using CAD, each panel was laser cut to ensure accuracy, then they built the boat by hand. Following the latest rule allowances, you will see that the boat has built in spinnaker bags instead of the conventional bags, which is great as it creates more space for the crew. We received Marland as a bare wood finish from Phil and spent the time to make sure the hull was fair and true before painting and varnishing ourselves.

Marland has a full Harken fit-out, it is a knotless boat, with all control lines spliced and on a takeaway where possible. The boat is fitted with Sea-Dek flooring for maximum grip yet keeping weight down to a minimum.  It has a Super Spar rig, with a custom-made carbon spinnaker pole from Gingerboats.

Our first outing was the Draycote Dash where we finished 2nd, since then is has been used for training. When we are allowed back on the water, we are planning a full program to get Marland up to pace before the worlds in 2022!

The boat is owned by Andy Tunnicliffe,  who prepared the boat and made the attached video.
Andy crews with Ian Dobson -they are National and World Championships’ Winners

See a video of the boat here..

And during the “build”

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